Chicago Office|Glen Ellyn Office|Support:(312) 789-4066|Sales:(855) 590-5797

Every single feature, a single flat rate

“Before Genuity, I was using spreadsheets to manage and track our IT spending. This is a cost-effective solution that's already saved me thousands.”

First 30 days completely FREE


Per company, unlimited users. No credit card required.

Genuity IT Management Suite
Genuity Technology Marketplace
×Surprise Gotchas
×Nasty Gimicks

Building something better.

Design of a desktop computer

IT Management

Asset management, SaaS tracking, even an IT help desk - Spend smarter with six products in one.

Design of a cloud icon

Cloud Commerce

From Microsoft 365 to G-suite to DocuSign, enjoy your favorite cloud apps for less (even ones you already have).

Community Power

Community-empowered intelligence, with a network that grows stronger together.

Building something better.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have some questions about our pricing and how the Genuity platform can help your business?

How does the free trial work?
Try Genuity for free for 30 days, risk free. No credit card is required to start a trial. All you need is a company email address
What happens when my free trial ends?
After your 30-day free trial, you'll be asked to convert your account to a paid plan and enter your payment information.
Do I have to start a trial, or is there another way for me to experience the platform?
You can always request a free demo and have our Genuity expert show you our platform with everyday IT tools, technology management, and our marketplace.
What is Genuity?
Genuity builds tools to help entrepreneurs and IT leaders navigate the market, optimize their technology spend, and improve their bottom line. We've built two platforms that work together to help our users make sense of their IT, technology costs, and find opportunities to save on the technology critical to their operations.
Is My Data Private?
Yes. The data you provide us is your data. We will never sell or provide your data to another party without your explicit consent. If we are ever sold or acquired by another company our policy around data will continue to apply to any successor. You can also check out our privacy policy and terms of service for full details.
Is it really unlimited?
Yes - with one simple affordable plan you can generate insights on the tech in your operation through a centralized source.
Why is Genuity not more expensive?
In today’s digital age, every company, regardless of size or industry, is technology-driven. What was missing was a system for teams to come together around a common language to manage the technology in their business accessible to businesses of all sizes. Since it didn’t exist, we decided to build it. By making the Genuity platform accessible we can trigger savings opportunities in your operation and help you with the build, buy, run process of your business. No gotchas and no gimmicks—a network that grows stronger together, treats everyone fairly, and puts business interests first. We call this Value-as-a-Service.
Who is behind Genuity?
Genuity headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois. Our founding team includes experts in IT, Telecom and Product/SaaS Development. Colum Donahue, a serial entrepreneur brought the multi-disciplinary team together to offer a transparent alternative to the traditional, opaque strategies in IT.
Genuity Logo

Stay on top of IT with Genuity.
Get started today.