Giving Your Chicago Business the Competitive Advantage It Needs
Also commonly referred to as enterprise software, business IT solutions are the digital backbone of any business. It’s how smaller Chicago organizations streamline their operations enough to remain competitive with larger ones. It’s how mid-sized and larger organizations work to separate themselves from everyone else in their field.
Business IT solutions like customer relationship management platforms, enterprise resource planning tools, and more are more than just “pieces of technology.” There’s a reason why global IT spending hit 4.6 trillion in 2023 and business IT solutions spending alone made up over $1 trillion of that number. If you want to do the best work possible in today’s fast-paced digital era, you always need the right tool for the right time – no exceptions.
At Genuity, that’s one of the many ways in which we’re prepared to help your Chicago business thrive. We can step in and, after learning as much about your business and its unique goals as possible, help you buy and renew all of your business IT software quickly and easily, all while also getting the best price that you can.
We’re experts in areas like co-managed IT support, which means that we know how to work with software vendors. We can get you exactly what you need in a way that reduces your expenses, all so that you can funnel that money back into other areas of your Chicago business where it can do the most good.
If you’re eager for the opportunity to rethink how business IT software fits into the present and future of your Chicago-area business, contact the team at Genuity today so that we can get started.

Chicago Business IT Software: Where Scalability Meets Flexibility
Coordinating business software purchases takes up valuable time that could be better spent elsewhere. You need to keep track of contracts. You need to stay in constant communication with vendors. You need to maintain total visibility over your enterprise in a way that also allows you to make fast decisions when scalability must become a priority.
All the while, you need software-based business IT solutions for your Chicago business that evolve as the world around you does the same. How we communicate, collaborate, and even operate has been changed forever. This is especially true in a world where more people are working remotely than ever before.
The needs of the modern workforce are shifting and you need to be able to shift with them. That’s why Genuity is proud to offer Chicago businesses like yours all the software, connectivity, and cloud-based services you need to rise to meet the challenges of today and better prepare yourself for the ones that you might face tomorrow, too.
Genuity: Your Chicago Provider of Industry Leading Business IT Solutions
While the numbers change depending on the industry you’re talking about, most organizations spend between 1.4% and 3.2% of their revenue on business IT solutions like software. Every time you need to add a new desktop or laptop for a new employee, it can be literally thousands of dollars on top of the cost of the hardware once the time spent handling software-based needs is taken into consideration.
Genuity can handle it all on your behalf – from licensing to provisioning to negotiations and beyond. We’ll keep track of every communication that we have with suppliers, helping you build the infrastructure you need when you need it the most. We’ll do so in a secure, forward-thinking fashion that makes sure your every need is attended to.
We’ll even use data-driven insights to help you predict what your future needs might be, putting the foundation of Chicago business IT solutions and innovative software tools in place today so that you can be ready tomorrow.
At that point, you can worry less about having the tools you need and spend more time focusing on what they can do for you, your people, and your clients – precisely the way it should be.
If you’re interested in finding out more information about why it’s time to change your approach to business IT software, or if you have any additional questions about related services that we offer as part of our larger Chicago-area co-managed IT support platform, please contact the team at Genuity today.