MFA Consulting in Chicago: Because Modern Threats Require Modern Protection

According to one recent study, the average cost of a data breach in 2023 hit an enormous $4.45 million per incident. This includes not only the immediate damage caused by the cyber event itself, but also long-term issues relating to lost productivity, lost data, and the likely irreparable damage caused to your business’ reputation.

There are many steps that you can take to help mitigate risk from cyber incidents, and enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) across your enterprise is one of them. This is an identity and access management technique where, in addition to a username and password, accounts will require an additional form of verification before someone can access an account.

Thanks in part to how effective it is, it’s estimated that MFA technology will have a $20 billion market share by as soon as 2025.

If you need MFA setup in Chicago but aren’t sure where to begin, the team at Genuity is happy to help. Contact us today to learn more about our long-term MFA management capabilities.

The Road to Insurance Runs Through MFA Setup in Chicago

Whether you’re talking about E&O insurance (errors and omissions) or a full-fledged cyber liability policy, most providers will want to see what steps you’ve taken to proactively safeguard your business and everything you’ve already worked so hard to build.

Enabling multi-factor authentication across your enterprise is often a requirement of these policies. In most situations, you literally cannot get approved for a policy without it. Consider the fact that cyber liability policies also include coverage for not only data breaches and situations that result in the theft of personal information, but also ones like:

  • Cyber attacks on data held by third-parties with access to your business data.
  • Cyber attacks targeted directly at your business’ network.
  • Cyber attacks that may compromise data held elsewhere, like at a data center, for any cloud-based servies you use.
  • Terrorist attacks that result in similar types of damages.

With all that in mind, investing in one of these policies is always a recommendation.

But again – the providers will want to see that you’re already taking every available measure to protect yourself, and multi-factor authentication is a part of that.

Thankfully, we’re here to help. Genuity will come in and handle all your MFA setup in Chicago needs so that you can get that protection in place, invest in the insurance policy you need, and return to focusing on running the most successful business that you can.

Long-Term MFA Management: Keep Your Business and Your Clients Safe

Never make the mistake of assuming that protecting your business from cyber threats is something that you “do once and forget about.” Yes, MFA setup in Chicago is important. But it must be seen for what it is: a first step on a longer journey.

  • MFA methods will need to be monitored to prevent being compromised.
  • MFA devices will need to be changed as vulnerabilities are discovered.
  • If employees leave the company, their access will need to be revoked and MFA management is a part of that.
  • As new employees join the company, they will need to be brought into the system in a way that does not impact productivity.

This is why, even after you have your E&O insurance or cyber liability policy in place, Genuity can still offer assistance by way of long-term MFA management.

Genuity: Your Forward-Thinking MFA Consulting Chicago Partner

At Genuity, we believe that an unfortunate fact of the fast-paced digital era that we’re currently living in has to do with how dangerous the Internet can often be. At this point, there is no industry too niche – or business too small – to attract the unwanted attention of those who wish to do you harm.

Statistically speaking, you will become the target of hackers or those with malicious intentions. This is something that is officially outside of your control. It is not a matter of “if,” but “when.”

However, what you can control is how prepared you are when that day arrives. You might not be able to prevent yourself from becoming a target, but what you can do is prevent that attack from being successful – which is a big part of what our MFA consulting services in Chicago are intended to do.

If you’d like to find out more information about MFA setup, or if you’re interested in learning more about the other supplementary IT support services that we offer, contact the team at Genuity today so that we can learn more about you.