Premiere Co-Managed IT Support Services in Chicago

Creating and testing backups. Resolving help desk tickets. Routine cloud management. These are all important tasks that businesses depend on – but they’re all focused on maintaining your existing IT infrastructure. They’re not helpful when it comes to enhancing it. When your in-house IT team is spending the majority of their time on maintaining the status quo, they don’t have the ability to focus on pushing things to new heights.

That, in essence, is the major issue that co-managed IT support services in Chicago are designed to solve.

Whether you need additional IT support during peak times and seasonal fluctuations, highly specialized knowledge to drive a particular project to success, or continuous infrastructure management to keep things running at peak efficiency so that your people can do their best work, we’re here for you.

The supplementary IT support in Chicago offered by Genuity is customized from the ground up to meet your unique needs. We’ll optimize your IT operations so that you can devote the majority of your time, energy, and attention on creating and securing a legitimate competitive advantage for yourself in the marketplace.

If you’re ready to enhance your IT capabilities through supplemental IT support services, we’re ready, too. Contact the team at Genuity today so that we can learn more about you and find out exactly what we need to do to help you thrive.

What Can Chicago Businesses Expect From Co-Managed IT Support?

Many make the mistake of assuming that there are essentially only two ways to handle the IT side of their business.

The first is to keep everything entirely in-house, maintaining total control while also dealing with the enormous financial investment that comes with procuring and configuring hardware and software, maintaining assets, handling cybersecurity, troubleshooting user issues, and more.

The second is to outsource everything to a third party provider. You’re promised an IT infrastructure that “just works,” in exchange for the lack of control that comes with never really knowing exactly what is going on “behind the scenes.”

Supplementary IT support from Genuity is intended to be a “best of both worlds” scenario. Organizations can integrate the external support, knowledge, and expertise of a managed services provider with their existing IT team. The Chicago supplemental IT support provider can handle all the important (but routine and time-consuming) tasks while your in-house team is free to devote the maximum amount of their time and attention to those matters that truly need them.

Shattering the Myths of Co-Managed IT Services

“Having supplementary IT support will alienate my current IT team.”

In reality, we find that the opposite is true. Backup and disaster recovery management, for example, is an important part of your operations. But creating and managing backups, along with testing those backups to make sure they’re ready in the event that they’re needed, isn’t something that your in-house team should need to spend time on. Embracing co-managed IT support in Chicago is a way to finally let your people focus on the parts of their job that they’re the most excited about.

“Our current employees already have highly specialized IT knowledge.”

Nobody is arguing that your current employees aren’t talented, passionate, and experienced. But if they’re constantly dealing with too many support tickets, especially those that come in outside of standard work hours, they’re not really putting that highly specialized IT knowledge to good use. Plus, when you’re talking about an intricate process like cloud migration, it’s always better to have people who can focus exclusively on one job rather than being forced to divide their attention in so many different directions that they essentially become a “Jack of All Trades, Master of None.”

“My business is too big (or too small), so supplementary IT support doesn’t make sense.”

According to one recent study conducted by Gartner, the average cost of network downtime alone is approximately $5,600 per minute. When it comes to preventing an unpredictable cost like that, the size of your Chicago business becomes irrelevant. That’s before you even get into the other areas that supplemental IT services can help like Help Desk management and technical support, easily adding team members during busy holiday hours, and more.

Let Genuity Harness the Power of Modern Technology to Your Advantage

At Genuity, we understand how frustrating it can be to pull your in-house IT team from a major project to deal with an unfortunate – and unexpected – period of downtime. We know how difficult it is to watch your IT infrastructure become simply “an expensive cost of doing business” as opposed to the revenue generator it was meant to be.

That's why we've worked hard since our inception to become a leading co-managed IT support provider in Chicago. We want to help you enjoy all the benefits of modern IT with as few of the potential downsides as possible.

If that sounds like exactly what you’ve been looking for, we’re happy to help. Contact Genuity today to schedule your free consultation. We want to help your in-house IT team finally do their best work so that the rest of your employees can do theirs.